What is Prostate Surgery? - Bold Health | ED1000 Treatment Centre
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What is Prostate Surgery?

  "What is prostate?In our blog article titled ", we have mentioned the details of various disorders caused by the prostate gland in the male body. Prostate surgeries, which we will briefly discuss in this article, can be described as surgical procedures applied for enlargement of the prostate gland for various reasons, tumour development or problems in the urinary tract. Prostate surgery can be performed by different methods and the method to be used is determined by factors such as the patient's condition, complaints and the doctor's preference. The most commonly used methods include transurethral resection (TUR), radical prostatectomy, robotic prostatectomy. The patient must be under general anaesthesia during the operation and the duration of the operation and the patient's recovery time may vary according to different methods. 

What are the Methods Used in Prostate Surgeries? 

As we have explained above, several surgical methods are currently used for prostate surgery. The most appropriate one can be chosen among the following methods according to the disease condition and medical requirements of the person: Prostate coagulation (TURP) : This method, known as Transurethral Resection Prostate (TURP), is the most commonly used method of prostate surgery. It is an operation performed to relieve urination difficulties caused by benign prostate enlargement (BPH). In this method, the tumour or tissue parts in the prostate gland, which is the cause of the obstruction of the patient's urinary tract, are removed by resection method. 
  • Laser treatment: In this method, tumours or pieces of tissue in the prostate gland are removed using laser light.
  • Open surgery: In this method, the prostate gland is removed through the abdominal wall.
  • Laparoscopic surgery: In this method, small holes are made in the abdominal wall of the patient and the prostate gland is removed using laparoscopic instruments.
  • Radical prostatectomy, which is also defined as the removal of the prostate gland and some connective tissues, can be performed with open surgery or laparoscopic surgery methods. Another different application is known as 'Robotic prostatectomy'. Although basically the same procedure is applied, robotic technology is utilised more during the operation. This method, which is also used in our country with the rising technological developments of recent times, allows a more precise and more accurate surgical operation. 
  • Since the condition of each patient suffering from prostate disorders will vary, you should be examined by your doctor and have the necessary examinations to determine the most appropriate treatment or surgical method. 

What Situations Occur After Prostate Surgery? 

Since it is a medical intervention, some side effects or complications may occur in patients after prostate surgery. However, these situations that may occur are not 100 per cent valid for every patient and of course, the recovery process of each patient is different. Some conditions such as the following may occur after prostate surgery:
  • Urinary tract problems: Temporary urinary tract problems may occur during the healing process of the urinary tract.
  • Sexual function and erectile dysfunction: Erectile problems related to the urinary tract or sexual function may occur.
  • Pain Pain or discomfort may occur after surgery.
  • Haemorrhages Possible bleeding or haematoma formation may occur.
However, it should not be forgotten that these and similar conditions are not valid for every patient who has undergone surgery, and similar postoperative conditions can be treated faster if the patient's postoperative recovery process is guided by the doctor and the patient is followed up appropriately. In case of an abnormal situation after surgery, it is recommended that you contact your doctor or the nearest health institution immediately. 

Is there a definitive solution to prostate?

Her bilim insanının dile getirdiği gibi tıp alanında yüzde yüz kesinlik ya da doğruluk ihtimali maalesef yoktur. Bu bağlamda prostat rahatsızlıkları için %100 kesin bir çözüm vardır demek hatalı bir yaklaşım olur, ancak birçok durumda semptomların kontrol altına alınması veya iyileştirilmesi mümkündür. Prostat rahatsızlıklarının tedavi biçimleri için hastanın durumu, şikayetleri ve doktorun yöntem tercihi gibi faktörler göz önüne alınır. Tedavi seçenekleri arasında aşağıdakiler bulunabilir:
  • Medication 
  • Physiotherapy and exercise programmes
  • Treatments to improve sexual function
  • Surgical treatment
Again, we should remind you that the most appropriate treatment option can be determined by assessing the patient's condition and complaints. 

What are the Prices of Prostate Surgery?

Prostate surgery prices may vary due to many factors as in all other surgical interventions. Prostate surgery prices may vary according to a number of factors, starting from the characteristics of the hospital where the surgery will be performed (such as city hospital, university research hospital, private hospital or clinical centre), the doctor and team who will perform the surgery, and the technologies to be used (for example robotic surgery). Prostate surgery prices may also vary depending on the length of hospital stay, the technique used, the drugs and consumables used.  In some cases, general health insurance or private health insurance may partially or fully cover the prices of prostate surgery. It is recommended that you learn the most accurate information about prostate surgery prices from the hospital you apply to or the doctor you want to receive treatment from. 

Does Erectile Dysfunction Occur After Prostate Cancer Treatment? 

After the treatment of prostate disorders, including cancer treatment, erection problems and erection problems may occur during the recovery process, but this again varies from person to person. While some individuals do not experience this negative situation, in cases where radiotherapy or surgical treatments are applied, erection problems may occur in some patients.  It is important to know that these problems can be easily solved after treatment.  ED1000 Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy, offered by Bold Health Services within the framework of the latest technologies, provides painless treatment for erection problems and erection problems that accompany prostate disorders and sometimes continue after treatment.  ED1000 Treatment, benign enlargement of the prostate and/or prostate cancer It treats the erectile dysfunction that occurs after surgery without medication and side effects. It has also been a beacon of hope for these patients by treating pelvic pain complaints that accompany prostatitis and do not respond to any medical treatment method today.  ED1000 treatment of 6-12-24 sessions, which is applied according to the severity of erectile dysfunction caused by prostate disorders, solves the erectile dysfunction problem by treating the underlying underlying problem. Moreover, it is a side effect-free solution. On the other hand, as we have stated in different parts of our article, as in every medical intervention, the results to be obtained may vary from person to person.  The European Urology Association recommends ED1000 Shock Wave Therapy as the 1st Step Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction. For painless treatment of erectile dysfunction after prostate enlargement, prostatitis or prostate cancer, you can contact our specialists immediately to learn the necessary information first-hand, and if you wish, you can make an appointment to start treatment.