What is Prostate? - Bold Health | ED1000 Treatment Centre
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What is Prostate?

The prostate is a small gland in men that secretes fluid and controls the outlet of the urinary tract. The prostate gland is located above the bladder and near the exit of the urethra. The main function of the prostate gland is to control the frequent flow of urine. It is also involved in the production of sex hormones. Prostate enlargement usually occurs in men with advancing age (between 40-50 years) and urinary tract problems are among the most common disorders. These symptoms caused by prostate enlargement, which is a natural process that occurs naturally with age, can adversely affect individuals physically and sometimes psychologically.  

What are the Symptoms of Prostate Enlargement? 

Prostate enlargement, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), should not be confused with prostate cancer. 

Prostat büyümesi kendisi vücutta fizyolojik olarak idrar şikayetleri ile gösterir. Prostat büyümesnin belirtiler ani idrar tıkanması, idrar yolu iltihabı, idrar kesesi bozuklukları ve böbrek bozuklukları yer alabilir. İyi huylu prostat büyümesi bu semptomları gösterdiğinde tedavi yöntemi olarak açık veya kapalı ameliyat (robotik) yöntemleri uygulanabilir. Ayrıca iyi huylu prostat büyümesi, 40 yaş üstü erkek bireylerin %80’inde sertleşme problemi ile beraber tespit edilmektedir. Prostat büyümesi düzenli kontroller ile zamanında teşhis edilmesi ve takibe alınması tedavi açısından oldukça önemlidir. 

Prostate cancer, which is serious enough to be the subject of a separate article, is one of the most common types of cancer that does not give symptoms in the early stages, hereditary factors can also come into play and unfortunately men are one of the most common cancer types. The PSA test, which is analysed with a blood test, is used in cancer screening. In cases where prostate cancer is suspected due to high PSA levels or abnormal examination findings, further tests are performed. These include pathological examination of tissue fragments from the prostate. Prostate cancer can be treated with surgery or radiotherapy if the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, i.e. at stage 1 or 2. Depending on the response of the patient struggling with prostate cancer to these treatments, hormonal therapy may also be initiated. If prostate cancer is detected at stage 3, which is the next stage, surgical intervention or radiotherapy method can be applied. 

What is Prostatitis? 

Prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate gland and is unfortunately a common condition in men. This inflammation is often caused by bacterial infections. However, sometimes prostatitis can also be described as non-bacterial, meaning that it can occur for a reason that is not due to a specific bacterium. In addition to infection, prostatitis can also be caused by stress.  

Treatment of prostatitis may vary according to the cause of inflammation. While antibiotic treatment is applied for bacterial prostatitis, symptomatic treatment is preferred for non-bacterial prostatitis.  

What are the Symptoms of Prostatitis? 

Symptoms of prostatitis include pain or burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, urination often interrupting night sleep, change in the smell or colour of urine, sexual dysfunction, fever or bloody urine.
Symptoms of prostatitis should be evaluated by medical physicians, taking into account the patient's age, lifestyle and medical history, and treatment should be started after medical findings. Medication should never be taken with the advice of family or friends or hearsay information. 

Prostatitis Treatment h3

In medically treatable prostatitis, drug treatment is usually applied. In the treatment of prostatitis, the patient's symptoms and cause are first analysed. The aim of treatment is usually to reduce pain, inflammation or inflammation. Treatment methods may include the following:

  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are given to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Antibiotics are used for infectious prostatitis.
  • Alpha blockers can help widen the urinary ducts and increase urine flow.
  • Physiotherapy can be used to reduce pain and symptoms, especially in cases of chronic prostatitis.
  • Other treatment options may include physiotherapy or massage therapy.

In addition, with the advice of a doctor, herbal solutions can be tried to reduce symptoms and relieve patients during the treatment process. However, since the most appropriate treatment method for each patient may be different, a medical diagnosis should first be made and the most appropriate treatment method should be determined by the specialist doctor. 

D1000 Completely Get Rid of the Side Effects of Prostate Disorders! 

ED1000 Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy, offered by Bold Health with innovative technologies, offers a painless treatment that treats the main cause of the problem for the first time in the world for erectile dysfunction accompanying these 3 groups of prostate diseases, which are frequently seen in male patients. With 6-12-24 sessions of ED1000 treatment, which is applied according to the severity of the erectile dysfunction that occurs as a result of the disorders, it provides a side-effect-free solution that treats the underlying main problem in erectile dysfunction, which cannot be achieved with any other medical method today. On the other hand, as in every medical intervention, it should be added that the results to be obtained will vary from individual to individual. 

ED1000 Therapy treats erectile dysfunction following benign enlargement of the prostate and/or prostate cancer surgery without medication and without side effects. In addition to these conditions, it is seen as a ray of hope for the first time for these patients by treating pelvic pain complaints that accompany inflammatory diseases of the prostate (ie the aforementioned prostatitis) and do not respond to any medical treatment method today. In addition, the European Urological Association recommends ED1000 Shock Wave Therapy as the 1st Step Treatment in Erectile Dysfunction.

For painless treatment of erectile dysfunction after prostate enlargement, prostatitis or prostate cancer, you can contact our specialists immediately and learn the necessary information first hand.