What is ESWT for Erectile Dysfunction and How Does It Work? - Bold Health | ED1000 Treatment Centre
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What is ESWT for Erectile Dysfunction and How Does It Work?

What is ESWT?

ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) is shock wave therapy applied from outside the body. It creates healing effects on the nervous and muscular system. It is used in many areas of medicine, especially in musculoskeletal disorders.

  • It is non-invasive: No surgical intervention is required.
  • It is painless: Does not require anaesthesia.
  • Fast results: Effective in a short time.

Shock waves stimulate the formation of new blood vessels in the target area, increase blood flow and accelerate healing processes. It is also used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction).

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain sufficient hardness during sexual intercourse. This problem can be caused by various physical and psychological reasons.

Physical Causes

  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled blood sugar negatively affects vascular health.
  • Heart Diseases: Vascular blockages can block blood flow.
  • Hormone Imbalances: Low testosterone levels.

Psychological Causes

  • Stress: The stress of everyday life can affect sexual performance.
  • Anxiety: Performance anxiety can lead to erectile dysfunction.
  • Depression: General mood can affect sexual function.

Erectile dysfunction may have physical, psychological or mixed causes. This can negatively affect the quality of life of both the individual and his/her partner.

Basic Working Principles of ESWT

ESWT, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, is a method based on high-energy sound waves used in the treatment of various medical conditions. The basic working principles are as follows:

  1. Generation of Shock Waves: High-energy sound waves are generated using electromagnetic, electrohydraulic or piezoelectric methods.
  2. Directing the Waves to the Target: Focused shock waves are directed to the targeted area while creating vibrations.
  3. Microtrauma Occurrence: These vibrations trigger the healing process by creating microtrauma in the tissue.
  4. Increasing Blood Flow: It promotes the formation of new blood vessels and increases blood flow in the area.
  5. Cell Regeneration: Promotes the increase of stem cells and growth factors, thus accelerating healing.

How is ESWT Applied?

During ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) application, a gel is applied to the area to be treated and then the device is placed. This process takes place in four stages:

  1. Preparation: The patient's treatment area is determined and an ultrasound gel is applied. This gel facilitates the passage of shock waves through the skin.
  2. Cavity Selection: The appropriate head of the device is placed on the treatment area. The head ensures that the waves are directed correctly.
  3. Treatment: Shock waves are sent to the designated area. This procedure usually takes 15-20 minutes.
  4. Tracking: After treatment, the patient's condition is monitored and adjustments are made if necessary. The treatment usually takes several sessions.

This process is meticulously monitored by professional health services.

Stages of ESWT Treatment

  1. Evaluation: The doctor assesses the patient's general state of health and the degree of erectile dysfunction.
  2. Preparation: Before starting the treatment, the patient is told what to expect. The area is cleaned and local anaesthesia may be applied.
  3. Application: The ESWT device sends low-intensity shock waves into the penis. A session usually lasts 15-20 minutes.
  4. Tracking: The patient undergoes multiple treatment sessions over several weeks. The doctor monitors the process and updates the treatment plan when necessary.
  5. Recovery: After treatment, the patient can resume daily activities. Side effects are usually minimal and temporary.

What are the Benefits of ESWT?

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is an effective solution for erectile dysfunction. The benefits it provides are as follows:

  • Increases Blood Flow: ESWT helps to solve erection problems by increasing blood flow in the penis.
  • Painless Treatment: It is a non-invasive and painless treatment method and no surgical intervention is required.
  • Fast Recovery: The recovery period after treatment is very short, it provides a quick return to daily life.
  • No Side Effects: Minimal side effects and generally safe.
  • Long Term Impact: Treatment can provide long-lasting results and recovery.
  • No Medication Required: Since it does not require the use of medication, it does not pose chemical dependence and other health risks.

The main purpose of using shock waves is to stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. This in turn improves the general state of health.

Side Effects and Risks of ESWT

Although ESWT is generally considered safe, it involves some potential side effects and risks:

  • Pain and Discomfort: Short-term pain may be felt during or after the treatment.
  • Bruising and swelling: There may be slight bruising or swelling of the skin in the application area.
  • Haemorrhage Small bleeding may rarely occur during treatment.
  • Skin Irritation: Temporary redness or irritation of the skin may occur.
  • Sensitivity: Some people may be more sensitive to treatment and symptoms may be more pronounced.
  • Risk of Infection: In very rare cases there is a risk of infection.

For each individual patient, these side effects may occur to different degrees.

Who is ESWT Suitable for?

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a suitable treatment for many men with erectile dysfunction. It is especially effective for the following conditions:

  • Psychological Causes: Those who have erectile dysfunction due to psychological factors such as anxiety, stress and depression.
  • Vascular Problems: Patients with problems with blood flow in the veins of the penis, for example with diabetes or heart disease.
  • Early stage of erectile dysfunction: Those with new or mild erectile dysfunction.
  • Unresponsiveness to other treatments: Patients who do not respond to medical treatments or other therapies.
  • Risk of Side Effects: At the same time those who want to avoid side effects due to the use of medication.

Comparison of ESWT and Other Treatment Methods

ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) is an innovative approach that is different from many treatment methods.

  • Effectiveness: While traditional methods offer immediate solutions, ESWT treats the underlying causes.
  • Non Invasive It is a treatment that does not require surgical intervention and the recovery period is shorter.
  • Side Effects: Unlike drugs, the side effects of ESWT are quite minimal.
  • Comfort: It increases the comfort and quality of life of the patient; it is a painless and fast method.
  • Application Duration: The duration of treatment is short and usually several sessions are sufficient.

ESWT has significant advantages compared to other methods with the advantages offered by modern technology.

Success Rate of ESWT Treatment

The success rate of ESWT treatment depends on several factors. Clinical studies and patient reports generally show the following findings:

  • Mild and Moderate Erectile Dysfunction: Bu grupta başarı oranı %70 ile %80 arasında değişebilir.
  • More Serious Cases: Şiddetli sertleşme problemleri olan hastalarda başarı oranı %50 ile %60 arasındadır.
  • Age and General Health: The success rate is higher in young patients with good general health.
  • Duration and Frequency of Treatment: Long-term and regular ESWT treatment can increase the chances of success.

Research also indicates that lifestyle changes during the treatment process can contribute to the success rate.

Cost of ESWT Treatment

The cost of ESWT treatment varies depending on several factors:

  • Location of the Treatment Centre: Prices may be higher in clinics serving large cities.
  • Expert's Experience: Specialised and experienced doctors can usually charge higher fees.
  • Number of Sessions: The number of treatment sessions required affects the total cost. Most patients require more than one session for optimal results.
  • Equipment Used: The quality and technology of the equipment used in treatment has a direct impact on the cost.
  • Insurance Coverage: Some insurance plans may cover some or all of the cost of treatment.

Expert Opinions and Patient Comments

Experts state that ESWT is effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Prof. Dr Ahmet Yılmaz points out that this method is non-invasive and says the following:

"ESWT accelerates the treatment process, especially in early stage erectile dysfunction."

Patient comments are generally positive. Here are some patient opinions:

  • Mr Murat (48 years old): "After the treatment I felt better and my sex life became more organised."
  • Mrs Ayşe (wife): "My wife is happier and more confident after ESWT."

This feedback supports the effectiveness of the treatment.

Application and Preparation for ESWT Treatment

There are some steps that patients who wish to undergo ESWT treatment should consider:

  1. Professional Advice: The first step for patients is to consult a urologist or a relevant specialist.
  2. Treatment Suitability Assessment: During the visit to the specialist, the patient's state of health and suitability for treatment will be assessed.
  3. Medical Background: Information about previous medical history and current health status should be provided.
  4. Preliminary Controls: Blood tests or other necessary tests can be performed.
  5. Informed Consent: Patients may be required to sign an informed consent form about the treatment process and possible risks.

Other Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

Erection problems can vary depending on different causes and degrees. Therefore, various treatment options are available:

  1. Oral Medicines: Contains phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5). The most common are sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra).
  2. Vacuum Devices: Mechanical devices that increase blood flow to the penis are used.
  3. Testosterone Therapy: Hormone replacement therapy for low testosterone levels.
  4. Surgical Options: Includes penile implants and vascular surgical procedures.
  5. Psychological Counselling: Addressing psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression.
  6. Lifestyle Changes: Healthy diet, regular exercise and smoking cessation are recommended.

Future and Developments of ESWT

ESWT technology is continuously being improved and expanded.

  • Innovations: Research is ongoing to achieve more effective results with lower energy levels.
  • Combination Therapies: The use of ESWT in combination with other therapy methods increases the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Portable Devices: With the new generation of portable ESWT devices developed, the treatment can be applied in non-clinical settings.
  • Academic Research: Academic research and clinical studies have accelerated for innovative application areas.
  • Patient Specific Treatment: Personalised treatment approaches aim to maximise the effect of ESWT.