Prostate Cancer: What is it, What are the Symptoms and Types? - Bold Health | ED1000 Treatment Centre
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Prostate Cancer: What is it, Symptoms and Types?

Prostate cancer is a dangerous type of cancer disease seen in men. Unfortunately, it is one of the most common types of cancer that men get both in our country and worldwide. 

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in men and is classified as dangerous. The prostate is the name of the organ that looks like a small gland in the reproductive system of men. Cancer occurs when prostate cells do not grow normally and abnormal cells proliferate. Among the factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer, factors such as the advanced age of the individual and family history of the disease, if any, also play a role. 

İstatistiklere göre Amerika’da Ulusal Kanser Enstitüsü’nün en güncel verileri göre 2022’de senesinde 260 binin üzerinde yeni teşhis edilmiş prostat kanseri vakası bulunmaktadır. Bu açıdan bakıldığında prostat kanseri erkeklerde tüm kanser türleri içinde %14’lük bir görülme oranı ile maalesef en çok teşhis konulan kötü huylu kanser tümör çeşididir. 

What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer, which is a health threat for older men, may not manifest itself with any symptoms in the first stages of the disease. In the later stages, difficulty in urination and blood in the urine may occur. In addition, prostate cancer may cause pain in the back of the patient or during urination. Prostate cancer cells can spread from the prostate gland to different parts of the body; this can occur especially in bone tissue and lymph nodes. 

What is Prostate Enlargement?

As we mentioned in our previous article, prostate enlargement is when the normal growth process of the prostate becomes excessive or does not fulfil its function sufficiently. Prostate enlargement is the gradual growth of the prostate gland, which is part of the reproductive system in men. The prostate gland is a gland that produces fluid that keeps sperm cells safe and hormones secreted. Prostate enlargement occurs most often in men over the age of 40 and usually affects men of advanced age. 

Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer

We have already mentioned that prostate cancer is a type of cancer caused by uncontrolled cell proliferation in the prostate gland. The main symptoms of prostate cancer include problems with urination, which can be summarised as frequent urination, bloody urine and pain. Early diagnosis is very important for successful treatment of prostate cancer. If the patient has one or more of these complaints, he/she should definitely go to a doctor and be diagnosed with benign prostate enlargement or prostate cancer by examination and examinations. 

What are the Types of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer, which occurs as a result of uncontrolled proliferation of the cells of the prostate gland in the reproductive system, occurs as a result of the accumulation of testosterone and other hormones and the proliferation of prostate cancer cells. Prostate cancer, which can occur in different types, is generally classified in three main groups: 

Granular Cell Cancer: Granular cell cancer, in which prostate cells lose their characteristics and begin to look different from surrounding tissues, is the most common type of prostate cancer. Granular cell cancer can grow inside or outside the prostate.

Mucinous Cell Cancer: Mucinous cell cancer consists of dark and shiny cells that grow inside the prostate. This type of cancer is more common than classical prostate cancer and is usually more aggressive.

Squamous Cell Cancer: Squamous cell prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when prostate cells form cells that are different from normal cells. This type of cancer is the most common type of invasive cancer and is prone to grow outside the prostate. Squamous cell cancer can cause symptoms such as severe pain, pain when urinating and frequent urination. 

How is Prostate Cancer Treatment Performed?

Treatment of prostate cancer may vary depending on the specific conditions of the patients, the type of cancer and its stages. In the early stages of prostate cancer, treatment methods such as surgery and radiotherapy may be used. In addition, other treatments such as radiotherapy, hormone therapy, their combination or immunotherapy can be tried after diagnosis and guidance of the doctor according to the patient's condition. 

ED1000 Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy, which is used in more than a hundred treatment points in Turkey with Bold Health expertise, is safely used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction that may occur after the treatment of prostate cancer disease in men. The underlying problem is solved with 6-12-24 sessions of ED1000 treatment applied according to the severity of the erectile dysfunction. ED1000 treatment offers a painless and side-effect-free solution. (As with any medical intervention, it should be known that the results to be obtained may vary from person to person). 

ED1000 Treatment provides treatment of erectile dysfunction that may occur after prostate cancer surgery without the use of medication. ED1000 Shock Wave Therapy is recommended by the European Urological Association as a first-line treatment for erectile dysfunction.

For painless, safe treatment of erectile dysfunction after prostate enlargement, prostatitis or prostate cancer, contact Bold Health specialists for more information about ED1000 Shock Wave Therapy.