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      Frequently Asked Questions

      ED1000 treatment with low intensity acoustic shock waves has revolutionised the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This technology, which has been used in the treatment of ischaemic heart disease for the last 20 years, has been successfully used in thousands of patients around the world in the treatment of erectile dysfunction for the last 15 years with the ED1000 device and has become the first drug-free, painless and side effect-free solution for patients. ED1000 treatment, which is performed in 6 sessions, is met with extraordinary interest in the world as a result of its lack of side effects and its effect by treating the underlying main problem by providing new vessel formation.
      ED1000 treatment is scientifically called EDSWT (Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy).
      ED1000 is the world's Gold Standard in EDSWT technology. Most of the scientific studies in the medical literature on EDSWT have been conducted using ED1000.

      It activates Stem Cells, one of the body's natural healing mechanisms.
      New vessel formation is stimulated by activating vessel-forming stem cells (Neoendothelialisation and Angiogenesis).
      As a result of increased penile blood supply due to the formation of new blood vessels, the body's natural erection system returns to its normal state.

      It is performed in 6-session treatments. During the treatment, low intensity ultrasonic sound waves are given to the penis and penis root.

      The reason why ED1000 treatment is performed in sessions is related to the treatment mechanism. With the effect of Low Intensity Acoustic Shock Waves, the formation of new vessels as a result of Stem Cell Retention is the body's own natural healing mechanism that requires time and develops slowly.
      For these reasons, ED1000 treatment is performed in 6 sessions.

      Tüm Sertleşme Problemlerine etkilidir. Bunlar arasında Damarsal nedenli sertleşme problemi tüm hastaların yaklaşık %70’ini oluşturmaktadır ve bunlar arasında en büyük grup Şeker Hastaları ve Koroner Damar Hastalarıdır. Ayrıca, prostat ameliyatı öncesinde ve sonrasında da ED1000 tedavisi başarılı sonuçlar vermektedir.
      Hafif ve Orta grup hastalarda 6-12 seans ED1000 tedavisi ile başarı %80’nin, Ağır hastalarda 12-24 seans ED1000 tedavisi ile başarı %60’ın üzerindedir.
      In other words, ED1000 treatment gives successful results in 3 out of every 4 patients with 6-12 sessions of treatment in Mild and Moderate group patients and in 2 out of every 4 patients with 12-24 sessions of treatment in Severe patients.
      With 6-12 sessions of ED1000 treatment, Mild and Moderate group patients get rid of drug use or return to a happy sexual life with a very low dose of medication.
      12 -24 sessions of ED1000 treatment makes heavy patients who previously did not respond even to medication responsive to the drug and allows them to return to a sustainable happy sexual life.
      Since ED1000 treatment has no side effects, there is no limit to the number of sessions. Each additional 6 sessions increases the success of the treatment even more.
      Ağız yoluyla alınan ilaçlar ile elde edilen başarı oranları ise yaklaşık %60-70 aralığındadır. İlaç tedavisinin bilinen yan etkileri ve ters etkilerine ilaveten koroner kalp hastalarındaki riskleri, cinsel ilişkiyi önceden planlama gereği ve ilaca bağımlılık gibi nedenlerden ötürü hastaların %50’si bir süre sonra ilaç kullanmayı bırakmaktadır. Ayrıca, ilaçlara yanıt vermeyip son çare olarak iğne ve penis protezine yönlendirilmiş olan Ağır hastaların ED1000 tedavisi sonrasında ilaçlara cevap verir hale geldiği gösterilmiştir.

      ED1000 treatment is completely safe. There is no intervention and intervention. There is no use of medication. There are no side effects reported so far during and after treatment. After each session, patients return to their daily lives without waiting. There are no restrictions in their daily lives.

      No pain during or after ED1000 treatment has been reported to date. No sedation, sedative or pre-treatment preparation is required. Some patients reported a slight tingling sensation during the treatment and this sensation disappeared at the end of the session.

      Each treatment session lasts approximately 20 minutes. ED1000 treatment is not a single session treatment. At least 6 sessions of treatment are required. For the successful treatment of mild and moderate patients, 6-12 sessions are required, and for the successful treatment of severe patients, 12-24 sessions are required.

      ED1000 treatment is carried out in clinics and hospitals. Patient name and information are kept completely confidential. It is performed in a private room with only the treating doctor and technician, with the utmost care for patient privacy. It is not a treatment that requires hospitalisation.

      The effect of the treatment is felt approximately 1 month after the end of the last ED1000 session. In clinical studies with ED1000, which entered clinical use in the world in 2012, it has been shown that the success gained with ED1000 treatment continues for 2 years, scientific studies showing a longer lasting effect are still ongoing.

      Since ED1000 treatment has no side effects, there is no limit to the number of sessions. Each additional 6 sessions of treatment increases the success even more. Repeating the 6-session treatment in the future increases the effect of the treatment even more.

      With ED1000 treatment, an increase in the thickness of the penis by 5mm or more is frequently observed in patients. This is due to new vessel formation.

       (*) Results may vary from person to person.


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