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Why Should You Prefer ED1000 for the Treatment of Impotence?

Why Should You Prefer ED1000 for the Treatment of Impotence?

What is erectile dysfunction in men?  As we mentioned in our blog content, erectile dysfunction in men is defined as insufficient or no erection during sexual activity and this problem may occur due to some physiological or psychological reasons. Among the physiological causes of erectile dysfunction problem; diabetes, heart diseases, prostate gland inflammation, prostate related operations, prostate cancerFactors such as heavy smoking or alcohol use and aging can be listed. According to scientific data, it is known that approximately 150.000.000 men all over the world have erectile dysfunction and of men aged 40-70 unfortunately face erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives.

According to scientific studies, this rate can go up to in the male population in Turkey. On the other hand, erectile dysfunction is 4 times more common in men with cardiovascular disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. When myocardial infarction and high blood pressure patients are examined, as cardiovascular diseases progress in patients, the occurrence of erectile dysfunction, popularly known as impotence, progresses in parallel. In our country, only of men who experience impotence after cardiovascular diseases or prostate disorders consult a doctor to overcome this problem.

Among the methods accepted by medicine in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction are shock wave therapy ED1000, hormone therapy, PDE5i known as drug therapy, vacuum pump, injection and penile prosthesis treatments. In addition to drug and hormone therapy, which are accepted to have many side effects, other methods are treatment options that require surgical intervention to a large extent. On the other hand, ED1000 treatment, also known as EDSWT method in the literature, is the only long-term treatment option that has broken all the known memorisers in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the last 15 years and offers an effective solution for both patients and doctors by correcting impaired blood flow.

ED 1000 treatment Since 2005, shock waves have been used in various centres around the world in the treatment of reversible ischaemic tissues in the heart, allowing neovascularisation and new collateral vessel formation. With this method, new vessel formation is targeted and thus, more blood flow is directed to the target tissue; with the restoration of blood flow, the lost functions in the tissue are also restored. The same principle has been applied to the treatment of vascular-induced erectile dysfunction since 2010, and there is at least a 10-year history of overseas research in this context.

Although drug therapy, which is defined as PDE5i and includes known brands such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, seems to be a fast result method for patients, it also brings many disadvantages. First of all, the drug can only have an effect on sexual function during the process you take, that is, it does not allow spontaneous sexual intercourse and many users cannot achieve a satisfactory degree of hardness. Patients with impotence problems at a rate of to who try drug treatment do not respond to PDE5i treatment, that is, impotence drugs; they do not get the performance they expect or hope for. Beyond this disappointment, there are negative side effects in impotence pills as in every drug treatment. PDE5i treatment can cause many contraindications; for these and other reasons, more than of erectile dysfunction patients stop PDE5i treatment over time.

ED1000 treatment, which has no side effects and offers a high success rate, offers a simple, painless and non-invasive treatment that does not require surgical intervention. With the ED1000 treatment method, it is possible to return to spontaneous sexual life without waiting time or prior planning. In other words, your impotence problem is solved and you can have sexual intercourse whenever you desire.

ED1000 treatment based on the shock wave method, which provides drug-free, knife-free, painless, side-effect-free and moreover permanent results, is a safe solution because it is performed in the presence of experts. Instead of applying to the pharmacy with hearsay information and buying drugs that provide sexual performance and may have negative side effects by heart, you can solve the problem of impotence with ED1000 by contacting our experts.

According to the researches, of the people who apply for medication for impotence problems take these drugs from pharmacies on their own and do not need to go to a urologist to solve the real problem. Drug treatment applied without solving the main source of recurrent or ongoing impotence problem may only provide a temporary effect, but it is not sustainable in the long term. Because patients with impotence problems should first identify the underlying cause of the disease by consulting a medical specialist and impotence treatment should also be taken according to these determinations.

ED1000 treatment, which comes into play positively at this point, brings erectile dysfunction patients to the urology clinic or urologist's office and offers a painless, painless complete solution without prescription, without the use of pumps, instead of invasive methods such as injections and prostheses.

Bold Sağlık is the pioneer and leader in Turkey in the treatment of erectile dysfunction with shock wave since 2011. Bold Sağlık is also a fast solution partner with ED1000 treatment offered at more than 200 medical points. For details of ED1000 treatment by contacting our experts now size to the nearest treatment centre and you can take steps today to solve the problem of impotence completely.


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