Erectile dysfunction It is a very common problem for men and has the potential to affect sexual life. This problem, which is generally defined as the lack of erection in the penis or the inability to maintain erection, can occur in men of all ages for different reasons.
Erectile dysfunction in men can significantly affect sexual life. When men experience erectile dysfunction during sexual intercourse, it can result in an inability to maintain high levels of sexual satisfaction and/or to have intercourse at all. In addition, this problem can reduce the efficiency of sexual intercourse and minimise the sexual desire of the partners for each other or for sex. This may even cause men to lose sexual attractiveness in the eyes of their partners.
In this article, we will try to answer frequently asked questions such as how erectile dysfunction affects sexual life, causes, treatment.
Ereksiyon, cinsel uyaranlar sonucu penisin sertleşmesi ve büyümesidir. Penis içindeki damarların genişlemesi ve kan akışının artması sonucu gerçekleşir. Ancak bazı durumlarda, penis kanla dolmaz ve sertleşme oluşmaz. Bu duruma ereksiyon sorunu denir. Yapılan ABD merkezli, uluslararası araştırmalara göre dünya genelinde erkeklerin yaklaşık %52’si yaşamlarının bir noktasında bir şekilde ereksiyon problemleriyle karşılaşmaktadır. Ancak uzmanlar bu oranın yaşa, sağlık durumuna ve diğer çevresel faktörlere göre de değişkenlik gösterebileceğini ifade etmektedir. Ülkemizde ise According to the studies conducted by the Turkish Andrology Association In men over 40 years of age, the incidence of erectile dysfunction, ie erectile dysfunction, reaches 33 per cent.
There are many causes of erectile dysfunction in men. These reasons can be physical, psychological or both. Some physiological causes include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, hormonal imbalances and changes, various vascular diseases, long-term medication due to disorders, alcohol or substance use to the extent that sexual intercourse is not possible. Psychological reasons can be stress, depression, anxiety, lack of confidence or self-confidence, turbulent personal life, relationship problems, sexual performance anxiety, decreased sexual desire of the partner or decreased interest in the partner and other underlying psychological factors depending on the person.
Ejaculation without erection is a rare condition in men. In this case, although the man experiences sexual arousal, erection does not occur and ejaculation occurs. The cause of this condition may be nervous system or hormonal problems. However, men who experience ejaculation without erection are advised to seek medical advice from specialists.
As a result, erectile dysfunction can significantly affect men to have a healthy sexual life. On the other hand, erectile dysfunction is a problem that can be overcome by using the right treatment methods with today's technology.
Erectile dysfunction, which directly affects the sexual life of men, can be treated with correct diagnosis and treatment. The most common treatment options include medication, various injections, shock wave therapy, psychotherapy and surgery if necessary.
Bold Health now offers a painless and side-effect-free solution to the erection problem faced by men!
ED1000 Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy has been a beacon of hope to solve the physiological causes of erectile dysfunction. The ED1000 device, which is specially produced for Erectile Dysfunction, is the only device in which all medical tests are performed worldwide and entered into the medical literature in this sense. Shock wave therapy applied with the ED1000 device offers a drug-free, painless and side-effect-free treatment method for erectile dysfunction experienced by men. The low-intensity shock wave therapy given with the ED1000 device allows the formation of new vessels via stem cells and also increases blood supply in the penis. ED1000 treatment, which offers advanced technological solutions for erectile dysfunction problem, supports men to overcome the problems they experience in their sexual life by solving the main cause of erectile dysfunction due to vascular disease. The results to be obtained after the treatment method is applied may vary from person to person as in every medical condition.
You can request an appointment for an examination by leaving your contact details, or you can contact our specialists by calling 444 5 647 from anywhere in Turkey.